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Weller - A Thousand Things - Last Copies

Only 50 copies now remain of the critically acclaimed A Thousand Things by Paul Weller and as of Monday, October 13, the price will increase from £250 to £350.

This is your last chance to secure a copy before the edition is completely sold out.

To ensure that you reserve a copy at the current price we recommend ordering this weekend. With thanks to everyone who has supported this unique visual history of one of Britain’s greatest songwriters and making it such a success.

Click here to read more and to order your copy.

UPDATE (Oct 13, 2008) - A Thousand Things is now Sold Out.

Paul Weller, Stockholm 1980 © Pennie Smith
A Thousand Things

A Thousand Things

Paul Weller


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Since 1974 Genesis has created signed limited edition books on behalf of authors and artists ranging from the Beatles to Buckingham Palace.


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