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Speed of Life: 'A Visual Feast Of The Legacy Of Rock And Roll'

Gary Kemp & Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page and Gary Kemp were full of praise for David Bowieat the media launch of SPEED OF LIFE last week.

'To me thisis about two things I respect. One is David, obviously, and everything he didin the Seventies, and Genesis publications I think are extraordinary. What they
offer to history is a visual feast of the legacy of rock and roll.' - GaryKemp

Jimmy Pageexplained to reporters why he chose us to publish his monumental photographicautobiography, JIMMY PAGE
, in 2010.

'Why Genesis? Because they're unparalleled as far as theirattention to detail, the quality, the binding, and their heart and soul in whatthey're doing... it's lovely to see it in the world of publishing, they reallypull it off.' - Jimmy Page

Photo courtesy of, who describe SPEEDOF LIFE as 'lavish'.
Jimmy Page

Jimmy Page

Jimmy Page


Speed of Life

Speed of Life

David Bowie, Masayoshi Sukita


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Since 1974 Genesis has created signed limited edition books on behalf of authors and artists ranging from the Beatles to Buckingham Palace.


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