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Seven Ages Of Rock

The BBC is set to air a series of films charting the emergence and re-emergence of rock music as a global force. It is told through the musicians that have shaped it and starts this Saturday (19th May) with 'Blues-based Rock' following the life and music of Jimi Hendrix.

This arena is not new to fans of Genesis titles as was clearly seen in the popularity of Classic Hendrix. Still available to buy this is possibly the most comprehensive illustrated memoir ever produced and features over 250 photographs from a massive 34 celebrated names in the rock photography world.

It is a visually stunning book, and one that is often thought to be sold out. This is not the case, and you can order your copy today.

The BBC series starts at the early 60's and ends at the present and is sure to be a huge hit with music fans all over the world. Click here to see the BBC website that shows a great time-line these films cover.

If you would like to browse through the artists and eras that the Genesis books cover please head over to our books section and take some time looking through the books on display. Of course, if at any time you would like any further information or a brochure the Genesis staff are always happy to help. Please call +44 (0) 1483 540970 or email
Classic Hendrix

Classic Hendrix

Ross Halfin, Brad Tolinski


The story of your book

Since 1974 Genesis has created signed limited edition books on behalf of authors and artists ranging from the Beatles to Buckingham Palace.


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