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Produced by George Martin

George Martin is the subject of a new documentary, Produced by George Martin, to be shown this Easter Monday in the UK on BBC2 at 9pm. The program takes an in depth look at the man who gave The Beatles their first recording contract and at the genius behind the production of Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, regarded by many as one of the finest pop albums ever recorded.

'I would have given my eye teeth to have written even one of their songs.' George Martin

The signed limited edition SUMMER OF LOVE is George Martin's first-hand account of the writing and recording of each song on the Sgt. Pepper album - as well as 'Strawberry Fields', 'Penny Lane' and 'All You Need Is Love'. Click here to read more...

Left: George Martin with John Lennon at Air Studios.
Summer of Love

Summer of Love

George Martin


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Since 1974 Genesis has created signed limited edition books on behalf of authors and artists ranging from the Beatles to Buckingham Palace.


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