Olivia Harrison Recites Poems in Collaboration with WePresent
She recorded them at different times of day, sometimes as early as 4:30am, in order to catch the dawn chorus as a complimentary backing vocalists. 'It was very different to read them in the garden at daybreak, it was fun running around in my pyjamas looking for birds,' Olivia says. 'Nearly the whole book is set in the garden. Almost all of it is connected to nature.'
WePresent describes the poetry as 'Raw, honest, moving and refreshingly candid works. Not over-thought or overdone. Just messages from Olivia, to George, recounting memories and working to understand and digest the deep love they had for one another. Famously, George's other love was his garden at home, the plants and landscape of which creep into so many of Olivia's poems about him.'