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Infinite Universe in New York City

Yoko Ono previewed her new book and prints series at NewYork’s Paley Centre on Tuesday November 11th. Rolling Stone’s Anthony DeCurtis and Yoko Ono discussed herincredible life – from growing up in Japan, to her avant-garde work in the1960s, to the recent realisation of the 'Imagine Peace Tower' dreamt up by herand John Lennon. This, and much more, is showcased in YOKO ONO INFINITE UNIVERSE AT DAWN. You can click here to viewYoko Ono’s book, and here to view the signed prints.


‘All of us have energy, but not all of us give it. It's easyto change the world.’ – Yoko Ono,November 11th 2014

Infinite Universe At Dawn

Infinite Universe At Dawn

Yoko Ono

FROM £345

The Infinite Universe Collection

The Infinite Universe Collection

Yoko Ono

FROM £1800

The story of your book

Since 1974 Genesis has created signed limited edition books on behalf of authors and artists ranging from the Beatles to Buckingham Palace.


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