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Artist Pass: Update! Only 150 Copies Left

As a Genesis subscriber, we wanted you to be the first to know that two-thirds of Artist Pass: Conversations From the Books That Define Rock are now subscribed.

In advance of us entering the busy holiday period, we wanted to ensure you had the chance to secure your copy of this unique signed limited edition before it's too late.

Artist Pass is our celebration of the 50th anniversary of Genesis Publications, and the ultimate book for any rock and roll enthusiast. Each copy is signed by at least four legendary contributors. Click here to see the full list of all those taking part, including Eric Clapton, Mick Fleetwood, Chrissie Hynde, Ringo Starr and many more.

 In 50 chapters, highlights from virtually every Genesis music edition are referenced, including the landmark publications I Me Mine, The Beatles Anthology, Blinds & Shutters, Moonage Daydream, Jimmy Page: The Anthology and many, many more. The resulting dialogue between a multitude of renowned authors and contributors - more than 200 in total - provides a completely unique, new commentary on pivotal moments in rock history. 

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Through this collection of essays, Artist Pass presents the history of rock and roll - from the first US records by black artists to the interpretations by their white counterparts - tracing the pivotal moments, festivals, albums, musical innovation, and experimentation that shaped the genre. Along the way, other strands such as blues, folk, hip-hop, reggae, and mod culture are explored through the words and music of our authors.

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Artist Pass

Artist Pass

Bowie, Clapton, Dylan, Harrison, Page and over 200 contributors


The story of your book

Since 1974 Genesis has created signed limited edition books on behalf of authors and artists ranging from the Beatles to Buckingham Palace.


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