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Yoko Ono Infinite Universe At Dawn Book
Yoko Ono's Lighthouse artwork
Yoko Ono Birthday Special

Happy Birthday Yoko Ono

Today is the 88th birthday of Yoko Ono, and this morning on Twitter the artist posted a birthday anecdote to her followers:

"I was born February 18th, 1933 during a heavy snow in Tokyo. In the morning the nurse opened the curtains to the window to show my mother what happened to the city over the night. The whole city was blanketed with snow, which was shining under the blue sky." - Yoko Ono

This weekend, on SiriusXM radio, a Yoko Ono Birthday Special is being hosted by Sean Ono Lennon and Rolling Stone magazine's senior editor David Fricke. Aired on The Beatles Channel, the tribute show will run all weekend, celebrating Yoko Ono in songs and stories.

At Genesis, everyone is wishing Yoko Ono many happy returns. Ono's life's work is celebrated in her signed limited edition book, Yoko Ono Infinite Universe at Dawn. We are also honoured to offer Genesis subscribers the very rare chance to own fine art prints by Yoko Ono in the Infinite Universe Collection. Limited copies remain for purchase.

Infinite Universe At Dawn

Infinite Universe At Dawn

Yoko Ono

FROM £345

The Infinite Universe Collection

The Infinite Universe Collection

Yoko Ono

FROM £1800

The story of your book

Since 1974 Genesis has created signed limited edition books on behalf of authors and artists ranging from the Beatles to Buckingham Palace.


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