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David Bowie Is

Genesis were lucky to attend the private preview of theDavid Bowie Is exhibition at London's V&A museum last night. The stars thatcame out included Tilda Swinton - who stars in Bowie's latest video - NoelGallagher, Gary Kemp, Bill Nighy, Rosario Dawson and Genesis author GeoffMacCormack (pictured left). Tracey Emin made a speech about her friendship withBowie and the influence he had on her life. 

The exhibit gives a complete experience of Bowie's sound andvision, with audio to accompany each era. Screens stretching from ceiling tofloor conveyed Bowie's larger-than-life stage presence, while handwrittenlyrics and sketches gave a more intimate portrayal of the artist. Iconicoutfits were accompanied by photographs from Genesis authors Mick Rock, GeoffMacCormack and Masayoshi Sukita

The exhibit will run from 23rd March until 11thAugust 2013. To find out more and buy tickets, click here.

From Station To Station

From Station To Station

Geoff MacCormack, David Bowie


The Changes Collection

The Changes Collection

David Bowie, Masayoshi Sukita


The story of your book

Since 1974 Genesis has created signed limited edition books on behalf of authors and artists ranging from the Beatles to Buckingham Palace.


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