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Chrissie Hynde's Paintings Debut

A selection of Chrissie Hynde's paintings which feature her upcoming edition, Adding The Blue, were last week unveiled in a special exhibition at the After Nyne Gallery in London's Notting Hill.

The week-long show launched with a flurry of famous individuals at a private viewing event for Chrissie Hynde's family and friends on Tuesday 6thNovember. Chrissie Hynde was joined by the likes of painter James Gillick, actress Miranda Richardson, singer Jaime Winstone, fashion designer Pam Hogg, former Editor in Chief of Vogue Alexandra Shulman, fashion stylist extraordinaire Lucinda Chambers, legendary photographers Jill Furmanovsky and David Montgomery as well as Ringo Starr's daughter Lee Starkey. And on Thursday 8th November, Catherine Roylance and Nicholas Roylance joined the Genesis team in welcoming Genesis subscribers for a special evening opening.

The show finished on Tuesday 13th November and will now move to New York, where Chrissie Hynde's paintings will be on display at the Franklin Bowles gallery in SoHo, commencing Saturday 1st December. To receive further details of the show, please register your name and email address below.

Adding The Blue

Adding The Blue

Chrissie Hynde


Tuesday Self-Portrait

Tuesday Self-Portrait

Chrissie Hynde


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Since 1974 Genesis has created signed limited edition books on behalf of authors and artists ranging from the Beatles to Buckingham Palace.


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