BBC Darwin Season 2009
This year is the 200th anniversary of the birth of the eminent naturalist Charles Darwin, and also 150 years since the original publication of his Origin of the Species. During the course of the next twelve months the BBC is celebrating his life and work through a series of TV and radio programmes – In a BBC Radio 4 programme Hunting The Beagle maritime historian Robert Prescott tracks down the final resting place of the ship whose worldwide journey and notable stay at the Galapagos Islands would provide the inspiration for Darwin’s landmark theory of evolution.
One of Genesis’s first limited edition books is a facsimile record of that very first voyage penned by Darwin,
THE JOURNAL OF A VOYAGE IN HMS BEAGLE - 1831-1836. George Darwin, great grandson of Charles, has signed each copy and HRH The Prince of Wales provides a foreword:
“In having the courage to publish his revolutionary concept of the origin of the species Darwin joined a long line of distinguished scientists, mathematicians, philosophers and thinkers, whose radical theories transformed the course of human history.
Above all, the journal helps to show us something of Darwin’s innate humanity and kindness – the hallmark, in so many cases, of a true naturalist. I sincerely hope that this new (1979) edition of Darwin’s Journal will give the greatest possible pleasure to all those admirers of Darwin who are fortunate enough to acquire one of these rare copies.”
Just 20 copies remain in this edition of 500 - to read more and to order your copy, please
click here.