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'Amazing Images of The Modfather'

This weekend, the Independenton Saturday offered readers a sneak peak behind the covers of Paul Weller'snew book, INTO TOMORROW. The IoS's accompanying culture magazine, Radar, ran a selectionof photos by Lawrence Watson billed as ‘amazing images of the Modfather’, whichearned a place on the front cover. To view the full story, click here.

‘Paul tends to sit on things for a little bit. But I thinkyou can see some of those feelings coming through in this shot. I like doinghonest documentary stuff and sometimes you hit on the image that tells thestory. I’m quite happy sitting around backstage with a beer in my hand waitingfor the right shot.’ – Lawrence Watson discusseshis photograph of Paul Weller (left) in the Independenton Saturday

For more stories from ‘the Modfather’ and his favouritephotographer – and to order your copy of INTOTOMORROW – click here.

Into Tomorrow by Paul Weller

Into Tomorrow by Paul Weller

Paul Weller

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